Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Wakeup Call

Sometimes it takes a wakeup call before we take the time to consider what’s really important in life.

I recently received just such a call.  For me, it took the form of a health issue. I was sequestered for six long days in the hospital – more than enough time to take stock – did my life match up to my words? Was I living the purpose statement I had written out years earlier?

I will embrace Life, delve into Its beauty, know Its Creator and impart It to others. I will live a life of gratefulness, purpose, passion and creativity. By God’s grace my life will make a difference and have eternal significance. (Note the capitalization)

I have very few regrets in life really.  If anything my life has been blessed, even serendipitous but depending upon the outcome of my biopsy I might have had something very nasty. Thankfully that ended up not being the case. Raw circumstances nevertheless have a way of making one reflect. Pretences and self-deception evaporate and it was during this time I drew certain conclusions about my life.

First off, it’s obvious – God has blessed my life.  It has had and does have meaning. God graciously used me somehow to play a part in the lives of my children and to help them come to know Him. That alone is enough but there’s more.  I have seen beauty in the world, in nature, in relationships, with my beloved wife for instance.

Over the years however I haven’t been as faithful as I could have been in my relationship with God.  I’ve since confessed this and feel that if God were to verbalize His forgiveness it might sound like this – “Ya, I know; its OK but now let’s get with it.”

So now I have a chance to live life anew so to speak – to refresh my relationship with God and to regird. I also have other goals yet to be completed which I believe are good and achievable if my health holds-out. I’m still excited about these things but like life itself, I view them in a different light.

A wakeup-call has been a good thing for me.

Posted via email from livingidaho

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